I've been committed to eating healthy and working out for about 6 weeks now, and I've seen a loss of about 8 pounds. I wouldn't mind losing another 10-15, but I think my overall goal is just to see a real change in the way I think about being healthy. I LOVE getting new recipe and finding healthier ways to make a dish I love. Right now I've been really trying to eat a lot of clean and fresh foods...lots of fruit, veggies, lean meats, etc. The only real processed foods I eat are things like crackers...some cereals, breads...peanut butter. But even then I try to go for the healthiest/most natural options. I've also tried to cut back on the dairy. Supposedly there's a connection between dairy and acne. So I switched from cow milk to almond milk...and started having Greek yogurt instead of regular. Supposedly there's less lactose in it...Yes, I do still eat cheese, and on very rare occasions, ice cream, but in any case, it's definitely less than I used to.
Also....I haven't had soda in 6 weeks. WHAT?!?! I used to be a diet soda queen. Usually only 1 a day, sometimes 2...but I wanted to see if it made a difference in the way I look/feel. So far I haven't really seen a big difference, but I wonder if it makes me feel less bloated. I have been drinking sobe lifewater and vitamin water...all the zero-calorie kind, of course, but it's sweetened with stevia/truvia instead of aspartame and splenda...apparently it's the healthiest no-calorie sweetener out there. I LOVE the vitamin water lemonade flavor. Tastes just like the real thing. MMM.
I suppose my biggest struggle comes from working at a desk job for 8 hours a day. I try to get up and take breaks/walks/etc. But lots of times I don't even end up leaving for lunch, so I have to bring all my before-dinner for in my magical Rachael Ray lunch bag.
Like today for example. I work at 8 AM, so I don't like to eat before I come...then I'm hungry for lunch by ten. So here's what I brought today.
1 cup Special K Chocolatey Delight (Love this stuff!!!)
3/4 cup plain almond milk
a delicious bowl of cut fruit! Mmmm. Strawberries and a peach.
I actually do get to go home for lunch today, so more info and pictures to come. Today on the menu is a chef salad, with lots of veggies, and a bit of deli turkey and hard boiled egg. With a side of fresh green grapes. YUM :) ....and I forgot to record pictures of lunch for posterity. Oh well. It was deliciousWe'll assume it looked exactly like this.
Dinner is going to be chicken salad with a few saltines, and an apple. Maybe some string cheese if I'm still hungry. Also hitting BODY COMBAT tonight! I love me some Les Mills classes!!
I'll get the hang of this picture thing someday. For now...we'll see.