Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Itttttttt's Breakfast Time!!!

So I'm a big fan of breakfast in general (who isn't?), but I love making delicious AND HEALTHY things for breaking my fast. My favorite thing is finding something delicious and figuring out healthier ways to make it!

Fresh is my favorite way to go! Yes, I do eat SOME processed food....but it's honestly unavoidable unless you bake your own bread every day and own a cow to milk. So yes, it's going to be processed to some degree...but all in all, I eat lots of fresh fruit and try to stay away from the scary preservatives...
 Yum! Fruit!
Yum! Cereal!

I'm all for simplicity some days (give me a bowl of cereal and I'm set), but other days I'm all about the pots and pans. Like today for example. Today is an eggburritosausagecheesedelicious creation!

First I pulled out all my ingredients.
The LA hot sauce is for a kick.

Then since the sausage was frozen, I threw 1/4 c in the pan for browning/defrosting/melting/what have you.
Tossed in some chopped onion too, because I like the flavor.
Notice my high-tech Pampered Chef spatula (compliments of Goodwill/my mother's kitchen).

Next I completed the terrifying and difficult task of separating the egg whites from the yolks (The egg yolks have the majority of calories in the egg, and honestly, in a dish like this, I can't tell the difference in taste. In fact, I like the taste of just the whites even more. Yeah, it seems like a bit of a waste to toss out the yolks, but when eggs are a dollar a dozen, I don't feel too horrible.)
Eggs are also cooked in a pan....after they're mostly cooked, throw in 2 T cheese and the sausage mixture. and stir til your arms falls off (or until it's sufficiently stirred in. Approximately ten seconds. If your arm falls off by then, you need some more arm muscles.)
Nonstick pans are the best.

Heat the tortilla just for a few seconds to soften it, and fill 'er up. Now let's talk for a minute about tortilla wrapping techniques. I am what you might call an intermediate tortilla wrapper (different than a tortilla rapper. I just Googled "tortilla rapper" and found some strange pictures.) I am not those things. ANYWAY. I find it's easiest just to make sure you don't overfill it. This recipe is perfectly tailored to a soft taco size tortilla (the brand I buy is only 110 calories!!) And I find I usually have success by starting to wrap one side, THEN folding in the sides, then continuing until the whole thing is contained in one thin flour tortilla shell of deliciousness.

Then just eat it. Note I had to go to work and wait like an hour before I could partake in the deliciousness...and yet it was an oh-so-yummy breakfast treat!
ALSO! Only 225 calories. Beat THAT, Mcdonald's/Sonic/Jackinthebox/allbreakfastwrapservingplaces. Low cal and healthy!! :)

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